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Table 1 Types of directives in the repository

From: What guides back pain care? A content analysis of low back pain directives in the Australian context

Type of directive

Definition of directive type

Number of directives

Clinical practice guideline (CPG) 

“Systematically developed statements to assist practitioner and patient decisions about appropriate health for specific clinical circumstances” (Institute of Medicine, Washington, USA) [16]


Model of care (MOC) 

“Broadly defines the way health services are delivered, it outlines best practice care and services for a person, population group or patient cohort as they progress through the stages of a condition, injury or event” (ACI, Australia) [17]


Clinical tools

“Aim to synthesise all available evidence for major clinical topics for health care workers when providing patient care” (University Health Network, Canada) [18]


Information sheet 

“Are short documents that provides basic information on a specific topic in an easy and quick-to-read format” (Center for rural health, University of North Dakota, USA) [19]



Are products of research methods which were designed for data collection, from a defined group of audience to collect information on a specific area of interest



“A specific form of writing that is organized around concisely identifying and examining issues, events, or findings that have happened in a physical sense, such as events that have occurred withing an organization” (Massey University, University of New Zealand) [20]


Referral form 

A referral form is a request from one health professional to another, for the purpose of diagnosing or treating a particular health condition