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Table 2 Interview summary

From: Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on health care workers (HCWs) in Sindh Province of Pakistan

Interview summary

1. How were you feeling physically at work during the difficult COVID-19 pandemic?

2. How did you feel mentally at work during the challenging COVID-19 pandemic?

3. How did you do professionally at work amid the challenging COVID-19 pandemic?

4. How did you feel about resting after being off duty during the difficult COVID-19 pandemic?

5. How did your family get along during the difficult COVIDian-19 pandemic?

6. How did the physical infrastructure furniture of hospitals do during the difficult COVID-19 pandemic?

7. How was the fear of infection and stress while working in the hospital during the pick time of the COVID-19 pandemic?

8. How effective was your experience during the hospital’s emergency quarantine unit during the difficult COVID-19 pandemic?