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Table 4 Summary of the 12 equilibrium-related elements in HiAP governance identified in this study, categorized by source (literature review or case study)

From: Equilibrium in the governance of cross-sectoral policies: how does it translate into practice?



Literature review

- Mindset: Sectoral actions informed by a flow of multidisciplinary inputs

- Knowledge: Knowledge of bonding zones

- Actors: Government accountability to implement a mandate with unbound extra-governmental actors

- Learning: Seeking collective problem solving in the pursuit of a set agenda

- Principles: Propagation of policy principles beyond the inner circle of partners

- Sustainability of the policy topic: Taking advantage of controlled entities for autonomous co-management

Case study

- Mixing tangible and intangible aspects (conceptual equilibrium)

 - Fitting into an ecosystem of related plans (conceptual equilibrium)

 - Mix of formal and informal roles with policy makers (operational equilibrium)

 - Working with an acknowledged dissymmetry in the format of collective leadership (operational equilibrium)

 - Coordination of individual organizational capacities (operational equilibrium)

 - Sustainability of lessons learned (operational equilibrium)