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Table 1 Vulnerability indicators in upstream documents in Iran

From: Double burden of vulnerability for refugees: conceptualization and policy solutions for financial protection in Iran using systems thinking approach

Name of law

Main factors of vulnerability

Regulations on how to identify the poor. Regulations, Note 1, Article 14 of the Law on Public Health Insurance

(A) Poor disabled people who do not have the financial ability to live their life and their dependents

(B) Poor women-headed families and orphan children, the subject of the law on providing for orphaned women and children, approved in 1992

(C) Families of poor prisoners during the imprisonment of the head of the family

(D) Victims of natural and unnatural events who have lost their basic means of living or means of employment until they get their basic means of employment or means of employment

(E) Subjects of the Shahid Rajaei plan (the poor rural elderlies)

(F) Other cases that are not included in the above clauses and are covered by assistance organizations such as the Imam Khomeini Relief Committee (IKRC) or the country’s welfare organization or should be covered by them, as determined by IKRC


Principle twenty-one

2 – Supporting mothers, especially during pregnancy and child custody, and supporting orphaned children

4 – Creation of special insurance for widows and elderly and orphaned women

Regulation of social welfare safety umbrella

The priority of providing services to families with absolute poverty will be as follows

(A) Unsupervised children

(B) Women-headed households

(C) Elderly people

(D) Disabled people

(E) Others (unemployed, addicts, chronic physical and mental patients, etc.)

General policies of social security

Support for social service target groups, including the homeless, the disabled and the elderly

General policies of health

Residents of underprivileged areas, poor strata and low-income deciles