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Table 4 Project characteristics by partnership type

From: Characterizing Canadian funded partnered health research projects between 2011 and 2019: a retrospective analysis


Projects with funder required partnership

Mean (SD, range) or N (%)

Projects with optional partnership

Mean (SD, range) or N (%)

X2 or U (p value)

Funder type




623 (73)

228 (27)



301 (100)



Funding year (n = 1153)

N = 925

N = 228

15.3 (0.00047)


350 (37.8)

56 (24.6)


320 (34.6)

88 (38.6)


255 (27.6)

84 (36.8)

Funding amount (n = 949)

N = 721

220 720 (373 160, 5000–5 000 000)

N = 228

706, 37 (10 000–12450001, 1,087,964)

37 444.5 (< 0.0001)

Project length (months) (n = 979)

N = 751

25.7 (17.3, 1–84)

N = 228

38.3 (20.3, 1–84)

50 368 (< 0.0001)

Number of named investigators (n = 1153)

N = 925

7.8 (5.7, 1–62)

N = 228

13.7 (16, 1–137)

79 501 (< 0.0001)

  1. Significant differences in bold, we were unable to compare provinces due to low cell counts