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Table 5 Characteristics over time of federally funded projects

From: Characterizing Canadian funded partnered health research projects between 2011 and 2019: a retrospective analysis

Project characteristic

Entire sample (n = 851)

N (%) or Mean (SD, range)


(n = 349)

N (%) or Mean (SD)


(n = 292)

N (%) or Mean (SD)


(n = 210)

N (%) or Mean (SD)

X2 or H (p value)

Funding amount

347 654 (659 917, 5000–12 450 001)

252 731 (347 644, 24 090–2 500 000)

349 458 (876 449, 5000–12 450 001)

502 901 (679 030, 19 995–4 996 890)

33.5 (< 0.0001)

Project length (months)

25.3 (17.4, 1–84)

22.1 (13.1, 12–60)

24.6 (18.5, 12–84)

31.6 (20.4, 1–84)

25.7 (< 0.0001)

Number of named investigators

10.4 (9.6, 1–137)

9.5 (6.1, 2–52)

11.1 (9.6, 1–71)

11.1(13.4, 1–137)

2.1 (0.342)