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Table 5 The 10 identified areas of concern with formulated strategic priority and objectives

From: Development of the National Policy for Quality in Healthcare for Malaysia

Areas of concern

SP formulated to address the areas of concern



1. People-centered holistic approach

SP 1: Improving integrated people-centred services

1. Strengthening commitment to improving people-centred care

2. Empowering and engaging people

2. Governance and organizational structure for quality

SP 2: Strengthening governance for quality

1. Strengthening leadership commitment to quality through the monitoring of current organizations’ performances

2. Emphasizing the importance of quality in the MOH at top-level management

3. Strengthening the governance of the Quality Committee/Department/Section

4. Improving resources for Quality

3. Resources

4. Quality culture

SP 3: Strengthening internalization of quality culture among all healthcare staff

1. Understand the current level of the organization’s quality culture, readiness for change and performances

2. Emphasize employee wellness and welfare

3. Develop, implement and strengthen an engagement plan between top management and healthcare providers

4. Strengthen the reward, incentive and recognition system mechanism

5. Review and optimize the system for healthcare facility accreditation to meet quality of care objectives

5. Stakeholder engagement

SP 4: Enhancing communication and engagement of stakeholders for quality

1. Strengthen the interaction among programmes within the MOH

2. Strengthen the interaction among MOH programmes with other Ministries, private sectors and the community

3. Foster knowledge sharing and knowledge translation platforms in quality improvement activities

6. Knowledge exchange, communication and coordination among programs

7. Workforce competency and capability towards quality management

SP 5: Building effective capacity and capability for quality

1. Strengthen in-service quality improvement training encompassing technical and soft skills

2. Assessment of the training provided

8. Health management information, quality monitoring and feedback system

SP 6: Enhancing measurement and quality improvement initiatives

1. Reviewing and strengthening the measurement and indicator framework

2. Improving data quality

3. Managing data and linking data sources – strengthening MyHDW

4. Using data for decision-making

9. Quality indicators and core measures

10. Quality improvement initiatives monitoring and evaluation

SP 7: Strengthening monitoring and evaluation of quality programmes or initiatives

1. Organizing/conducting QII evaluations

2. Dissemination and communication of evaluation results to close the loop

  1. SP- strategic priority; MyHDW- Malaysian Health Data Warehouse