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Table 3 Assessment criteria included in the ACE tool

From: Assessing unConventional Evidence (ACE) tool: development and content of a tool to assess the strengths and limitations of ‘unconventional’ source materials

ACE assessment criteria

Summary of the signalling questions for each criterion

1. Is the aim, objective or purpose for the source material described?

Does the source material state its aim clearly or can this be derived from the material?

2. Is the source of the information reported?

Where did the information being assessed come from, and where applicable, who collected this information?

3. Is there a description of the programme or intervention or policy or reform on which the source material focuses?

What are the goals, content and target of the programme, intervention or policy; who was involved in delivering it; and how was this done?

4. Is there a description of the context/s to which the information described in the source material relates?

Does the source material describe where the programme or policy or reform took place, including aspects such as setting, health or social care system, socio-cultural context and/or political and legal context?

5. Is the information complete?

Does the source material describe any efforts to ensure that the information presented is complete and reliable?

6. Is the information accurate?

For source materials that include empirical data, are the methods for obtaining and analysing these data appropriate?

7. Is the information representative?

If the information is based on a sampling process, how was this done, was this appropriate and are any generalizations made appropriate?

8. Is information provided to support any findings or conclusions made?

Are the findings or conclusions supported by relevant information?

9. Are any limitations of the information and/or methods discussed in the source material?

Does the source material outline any gaps or weaknesses in the information provided?

10. Are relevant rights and ethics considerations described?

Does the source material discuss relevant rights and ethics considerations?

11. Are any interests declared and any potential conflicts of interest noted?

Are potential conflicts of interests described, including how these were addressed?