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Table 4 Participant and practice characteristics for unique respondents from Australia (n = 682) and New Zealand (n = 482)

From: A novel methodological approach to participant engagement and policy relevance for community-based primary medical care research during the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia and New Zealand



n = 682

n (%)

New Zealand

n = 482

n (%)

Participant role descriptionA


 GP and practice owner

200 (29.3)

285 (55.6)

 GP (non-owner)

460 (67.4)

52 (10.1)

 Practice manager

21 (3.1)

109 (21.2)

 Practice nurse or nurse practitioner

24 (3.5)

56 (10.9)

Practice descriptionA


 GP owned and operated

485 (71.1)

366 (71.3)

 Independent and part of a larger group

244 (35.8)

142 (27.7)

 State- or territory- (Aus) or District Health Board (NZ)-funded clinic

35 (5.1)

43 (8.4)

 Owned by community trust or not-for-profit

40 (5.9)

65 (12.7)

 Rural practice

158 (23.2)

104 (20.3)

 An Aboriginal Community controlled health organization

21 (3.1)


 Larger than three GPs

583 (85.5)

346 (67.4)

 A fully bulk billing practice

149 (21.8)


 An afterhours practice (Aus) or urgent care centre (NZ)

78 (11.4)

84 (16.4)

 Commonwealth-funded vaccination clinicB

22 (3.2)


 GP-led respiratory clinicC

8 (1.2)


  1. AResponses are not mutually exclusive and therefore percentages add to > 100
  2. BAnswer option added in series 15 and beyond
  3. CAnswer option added in series 14 and beyond