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Table 2 Codebook

From: The role of provincial health administration in supporting district health management teams in the Democratic Republic of Congo: eliciting an initial programme theory of a realist evaluation

ICAMO elements


Coding rules


A combination of policy or programme components or strategies, especially those meant to change people’s behaviour [36]

Use this code to document any intervention features, component or strategy planned or used to achieve the expected outcomes


Any pre-existing social, economic, cultural, political or other environmental factor that may influence the implementation and/or the actors and that may shape the outcomes

Use this code to identify social, economic, cultural, political or other environmental factors that may enable or hinder the expected outcomes


The people, groups and institutions who are addressed by the intervention and who are central to its adoption and implementation

Use this code to capture any attributes (background, experience, knowledge, skills and attitude), actions or actual practice of an individual, group or institution


People’s reasoning and reactions to resources made available by the intervention, triggered in specific contexts [22]

Use this code to capture why actors behave or act to achieve or not the expected outcomes


Short-term or immediate

The immediate effect of programme activities in terms of knowledge, skills or awareness [36]

Use this code to document changes in the intervention direct beneficiaries’ knowledge, skills or awareness

Medium-term or intermediate

Behavioural changes that follow the immediate knowledge and awareness changes [36]

Use this code to capture the changes that follow the changes in knowledge, skills or awareness, such as changes in district performance


Distal changes, such as health status and impact on communities or the health system [36]

Use this code to document the impact of the intervention