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Table 2 COVID-19 infection and symptoms of all infected, infected but not utilizing health services, infected and utilizing health services participants

From: Analysis of health service utilization and influencing factors due to COVID-19 in Beijing: a large cross-sectional survey

Health service utilization





Not utilizing health services

Utilizing health services


44 992

31 405

13 587

Frequency of infection [n(%)]



44 452 (98.8)

31 128 (99.1)

13 324 (98.1)


273 (0.6)

124 (0.4)

149 (1.1)

 Three times or more

267 (0.6)

153 (0.5)

114 (0.8)

Number of days duration of symptoms [n(%)]


 10 days or less

32 522 (72.3)

24 027 (76.5)

8495 (62.5)

 11–20 days

7575 (16.8)

4892 (15.6)

2683 (19.7)

 21–30 days

3572 (7.9)

1929 (6.1)

1643 (12.1)

 More than 30 days

1323 (3.0)

557 (1.8)

766 (5.6)

Severity of symptoms [n(%)]



1880 (4.2)

1283 (4.1)

597 (4.4)


25 727 (57.2)

19 019 (60.6)

6708 (49.4)


16 694 (37.1)

10 981 (35.0)

5713 (42.0)


691 (1.5)

122 (0.4)

569 (4.2)

Intention to seek medical services [n(%)]



15 122 (33.6)

5339 (17.0)

9783 (72.0)


29 870 (66.4)

26 066 (83.0)

3804 (28.0)

  1. Percentages may not total 100 because of rounding