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Table 7 Summary of framework changes

From: Framework for policymaking on self-management of health by older adults using technologies


Area within concept




*Requires further investigation



*Requires further investigation



*Requires further investigation


Policy development

The definition of policy development was modified to include a stronger emphasis on the importance of the engagement process



*Requires further investigation


Collaboration and cooperation

Collaboration and cooperation are viewed as essential to maintain sustainable policies. As such, it was added to the framework as a cross-cutting activity that occurs throughout the whole process of policymaking



The definition of actors was modified to include specific wording about actors being embedded within supportive systems and composed of individuals or groups who are experts in the area


External partners

*Requires further investigation



Stakeholders was added to the framework, as it was noted that external and internal partners do not compose the whole realm of stakeholders involved. Stakeholders are diverse and include citizens, patients and companies


Constitutional FPT relations

*Requires further investigation


Technology (R&D and Industry) sector

The technology sector, including research and development and industry, was noted to be impactful on policymaking and was therefore added to the framework. This sector is one that creates innovations in technology. Policymaking relating to technology would not exist without developments from the technology sector


Clinical sector

The clinical sector was added to the framework as it is the one that supports the implementation and use of technologies to support patients with their care. Without the clinical sector oversight and support, self-management with technology would not be possible

Operational and organizational factors


Operational and organizational factors are composed of all system-level constraints to policymaking. They include human resource capability and financing

  1. *Requires further investigation: level of detail and proposed changes not obtained through survey. Further investigation necessary to identify required changes