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Table 3 Policy and practice recommendations

From: A rapid review to inform the policy and practice for the implementation of chronic disease prevention and management programs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in primary care

Policy level recommendations

Practice level recommendations

i. Ensure cultural competency is a core element in staff recruitment, professional development review, and other education/training opportunities

i Ensure core funding is flexible enough to be used for local priorities, including welcoming environments, local language resources or innovative models of care delivery.

ii. Recognise the role of families, carers, and communities and ensure they are included in models of care delivery

ii Support multi-disciplinary team-based care within funding models by recognising the distinct role of Indigenous and non-Indigenous health professionals and practitioners

iii. Support team-based models of care which may include Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health workers/practitioners, nurses, general practitioners, midwives and allied health providers

iii. To create welcoming and supportive clinic environments, potentially including tea/coffee, hairdressing, or other services

iv. Support staff training in holistic needs assessment for chronic disease care, including social and cultural determinants of health

iv. Support strategic use of clinical information systems

v. Ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are able to make their own health decisions and are supported by the chronic disease team

v. Resource Communities of Practice to share best practices and mitigate burnout

vi. Support flexibility in consultation times and formats to foster genuine healthcare relationships

vi. Review capacity for MBS rebates to recognise and remunerate flexible service delivery, including outreach and extended hour services

vii. Ensure mechanisms are in place to facilitate feedback and address provider behaviours and attitudes

vii. Resource MyMedicare as a mechanism to fund high quality chronic disease care

viii. Prioritise employment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and provide ongoing support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff who service communities

viii. Resource ‘Deadly Choices’ incentive program for increasing quality health check uptakes by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities

ix. Develop workflows which support implementation of the National Guide to Preventative Healthcare for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and other standards of care

ix. Mechanisms for recognising the value and load of cultural mentorship/education should be developed

x. Offer flexible models of service delivery, including outreach, extended opening hours and walk-in services wherever possible

x.Provide transport services for service users to attend primary care in settings where physical access is a barrier to care

xi. Provide adequate flexible findings required to enable a place-based partnership model to deliver holistic care via making reforms through recruitment and retaining enough staff. This will ensure that people will receive the right culturally friendly care at the right time in the right setting

xi.Support the capacity of PHC drivers to have a role in health promotion and community engagement