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Table 2 Subsystem 2 regarding the public outdoor space: mechanisms, leverage points and action ideas

From: Development of an action programme tackling obesity-related behaviours in adolescents: a participatory system dynamics approach



Leverage point

System level (ILF)

Action idea name

Form of action idea

Action idea theory of change

External stakeholders involved

(M2) The use of public outdoor spaces for physical activity by adolescents

In highly populated cities such as Amsterdam, the high demand for housing and business has resulted in public outdoor spaces designed for active play and sports being built on the outskirts of neighbourhoods. Larger distances to such spaces are a barrier for adolescents. Furthermore, public outdoor spaces are generally unattractive for adolescents as they are often designed for younger children or adults or for one specific activity, for example, basketball or soccer. Furthermore, adolescents are not engaged in the decision-making /design/organization of public outdoor spaces, resulting in these spaces not matching their wishes and/or needs

(LP3) Adolescents participate in decision-making about the design and organization of public outdoor spaces

2 – Goals

(A5) Co-creation of the public outdoor space

Organize a project where adolescents, the municipality and community organizations co-create the design of a public outdoor space with the aim of making it more attractive for outdoor active play and sport from the adolescent perspective

By co-designing a public space in the neighbourhood with adolescents, experiences about the co-creation process can be gathered and shared with relevant actors. Positive experiences with co-creation will increase the support among policymakers for actively engaging adolescents in decision-making about the design of public outdoor spaces. This might ultimately increase the attractiveness of these spaces, thereby promoting adolescents’ physical activity levels

Community organization focused on youth participation and participatory youth research; schools