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Table 5 Subsystem 6 regarding the transition from childhood to adolescence: mechanisms, leverage points and action ideas

From: Development of an action programme tackling obesity-related behaviours in adolescents: a participatory system dynamics approach



Leverage point

System level (ILF)

Action idea name

Form of action idea

Action idea theory of change

External stakeholders involved

(M8) Social norms influencing health behaviours in adolescents

Health behaviours are strongly influenced by social norms in a specific group, and that behaviour in turn influences the social norm. During the transition from childhood to adolescence, adolescents typically desire to be part of and accepted by a group, thereby making them extra vulnerable to the influence of, for example, peers and friends. Adolescents usually exhibit unhealthy behaviours when hanging out with friends. The current social norm amongst adolescents is that unhealthy behaviour is cool

(LP9) A new social norm in which exhibiting healthy behaviours is considered cool and normal

1 – Paradigm

(A13) Peer role models

Implement and evaluate the use of peer role models in a local community organization that stimulates healthier behaviours among adolescents

By synthesizing insights about the effect of using peer role models in a local project that stimulates healthier behaviours in adolescents, and sharing these insights with community organizations that run similar projects in Amsterdam East, these organizations will also be encouraged to use peer role models to stimulate healthier behaviours in adolescents. As a result, more adolescents will show healthier behaviours at the activities organized by the community organizations, which will help change the social norm towards healthy behaviours as cool and normal

Community organization that focuses on stimulating healthier behaviours among adolescents

(A14) Role models network of youth workers and adolescents

Create a network of youth workers and adolescents that commit to becoming role models for stimulating healthier behaviours. Organize sessions to discuss what is needed to influence adolescents towards exhibiting healthier behaviours and provide training and/or materials

By creating a role model network, youth workers and adolescents will develop a shared vision and communication strategy about how to stimulate healthier behaviours among their peers. These strategies can then be implemented in activities organized for adolescents in Amsterdam East, thereby encouraging a new social norm towards healthier behaviours

Community organizations working with youth workers and adolescents